Monday, January 31, 2011

Goal #3: Travel (8 days left)

What is Canberra?

A) A fruit similar to acai that’s high in antioxidants and found only in the Australian outback

B) Yogi Berra’s son, born in Sydney, Australia

C) Australia’s national beer

D) None of the above

If you answered D, none of the above, congratulations! You have won a free trip to Melbourne, Australia for as long as you would like. The trip includes room (you can sleep on my floor) and board (I will feed you cereal and milk). Airfare is not included.

Come visit me at the top of the world.

In fact, Canberra is the country’s capital (the capital city was a tug-of-war between Sydney and Melbourne, so officials settled on a physical semi-median of the two, giving birth to Canberra, the largely unknown but most highly populated inland city), and one of the many places I’d like to visit. Also on my list of travel destinations are Sydney, the Great Barrier Reef, Brisbane, Alice Springs, Tasmania, and New Zealand, to name a few.

You may wonder, “But Audrey, how will you ever get from Melbourne to all of these wonderful and not typical tourist places?” Enter the campervan: “Each budget camper comes with a unique paint job, comfy bed, kitchen, and loads of storage space” (

So the vans may be slightly inappropriate. But unicorns and rainbows don't really make a strong statement.

But, dear readers, you’re smarter than that and then ask me, “But what about Tasmania and New Zealand? They are an entire ocean away!” To that, I respond, “Dude, she’ll be apples.” (That’s Aussie slang for “don’t worry about it.”)

And if I bring my charm, I may even qualify for this 10% discount.

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