Thursday, January 13, 2011

You say goodbye, I say hello (27 days left)

The strange thing about making new friends is that the more friends you meet, the less likely you will see all your friends again in one place. In Kindergarten it was easy – invite all thirty kids from my class for a sleepover party! It might have been hell for my parents, but it was still feasible. Now, just imagining an attempt at bringing together all of my friends in one place at one time makes my head hurt. I finally sympathize with the bridezillas.

But bringing everyone together isn’t my concern right now. What bothers me is that I always feel like I’m saying goodbye to someone. Spending time with my friends in California means goodbye to everyone on the east coast. And in order to make new friends in Australia, it's goodbye to all of my friends here.

On the other hand, I believe that meeting new people is so important to being happy. I’d like to draw a parallel to polygamist Kody Brown, star husband of the reality show Sister Wives on TLC. His words of wisdom (cheese alert): “Love should be multiplied, not divided.” (In this metaphor, I am Kody, and my friends are the sister wives.) Instead of adding new wives like Kody, I am developing new friendships, which (super cheese alert) doesn't take away from but rather increases my love for all my friends.

So sure, it sucks that going to Australia means I’ll have to say goodbye to everyone at home, but I’m looking forward to meeting new people, even though I know I will have to say goodbye to them as well at the end of my five months abroad.

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