Wednesday, March 2, 2011

On the Road Again: Traveling the GOR

There’s a first time for everything, and I had quite a few this weekend (these are unrelated to the beautiful sights I've already talked about):

1. I contacted a stranger (John) on (Australia’s Craig’s List).
2. I agreed to travel the GOR with him, plus two people neither of us knew.
3. The four of us began our roadtrip less than 36 hours after my first email to John.
4. John had never driven a car in Australia before.
John only drove on the wrong side of the road once the whole weekend!
5. We ate dinner on the side of the road.
6. I brushed my teeth in the bathroom of Hungry Jack’s (Australian Burger King).

We might be homeless, but we've still got good hygiene.

7. The four of us slept in one tiny car...

8. ... in a dark corner of a car park (parking lot) for Coles (grocery store) and Hungry Jack’s.

That's the view by day. Notice "Brekky."

9. We handwashed our rental car using the windshield washer thing and lots of paper towels at the gas station (somehow dozens of large bugs got caught in our grill as we were driving, it was pretty gross).

10. I ate a pineapple muffin for breakfast.
This is definitely one of the more spontaneous, "don't-travel-by-yourself-and-don't-get-in-a-car-with-strangers" dangerous things I've done. A lot of things could have gone wrong, but I'm alive and I had a great time traveling with my new friends. I wouldn't change a thing.

My international travel crew: Lisa from Germany, John from France, and Chris from England. Cheers, mates!


  1. AUDREY. I'm in the library and just texted mary tattling on this post. Once again, loss for words fo real. My favorite part might be the tag "audrey might die."

  2. did i mention you're the wally-est sheila in all of australia? and definitely the southern hemisphere.
