Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Series of Unfortunate Events, pt 5

::continued from A Series of Unfortunate Events, pt 4::

Wednesday, June 1st
(Music stops, creepers abound)
Creep #2: "Do you girls need some help?"
"Are you planning on staying there all night?"
No, we're waiting for a taxi [lie].
"You should watch out, this town gets weird."

Creep #I-can't-even-keep-count-anymore: "You girls are lucky, because tonight I'm your guardian angel! Here, have this candy."

She's got the colors,patterns, and giant sun hat. Get yourself a garbage bag and you could run with the best of the hobos in this town.

We should move, or stand up, at least look like we're going somewhere.
('Guardian angel' creep comes back)
Actually, let's just go to the airport, at least there's no creepers there. I'll call a taxi.

Don't know where our taxi is..
Real guardian angel: "There's a taxi rank across the street."

Taxi driver with beady eyes: "You know the airport isn't going to be open at this hour.."

(At MacKay airport)
Wow, I've never seen an empty airport before.
At least there's no creepers here. Let's try the door.
(Locked. We wave at the guy who should be watching the security camera. He ignores us.)
[Confidential conversation about deep and meaningful things.]

(Still outside the airport)
Macca's opens in five minutes. We should call another taxi and just wait there until our flight.
Mm chocolate croissant..

(Security car pulls up)
Oh Christ, are we going to get kicked out of another place?
We're not even doing anything wrong this time.
(Security guard walks up)
Excuse me, what time does the airport open?
Security guard: (jingles keys) Right now.
Oh thank God!
(Tears of joy and a group celebratory huddle)
Let's go in before he locks the place up again. Oh those couches look nice..
(We each claim a couch and catch some shut-eye)

Those couches were a lot more comfortable than they look, especially at 4am.

(Loudspeakers: "Mr. Hamilton, please report to Gate 3. Your plane is ready for departure...")
Good morning.
(Sit around killing time)

(Finally boarding our flight home)
Alright, Tiger Airways, we've made it this far, don't let us down now..

::The End::

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